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Hi my name is Jennifer Leigh Paradis and I am a Photographer!


Photography brings great Joy to my life! I love being able to capture life moments.

I specialize in Senior and Family Photography! I love being able to capture the youth and individualism of a senior in High School! Seniors are great because they bring style, youth and energy to a shoot. I love that each senior is different not one the same! My goal as a photographer is to capture your style and your youth in that time of your life.


I also Love the youth in a child and being able to capture those small but major moments you may not remember. The details in a child’s face the small fingers and toes that change so quickly, their favorite book or toy.


I find details like that so important because you never know when your memory may just fail you. The small things in life are the things we need to cherish the most. The small things are the things your children will look back on and remember fond memories or they may look back on and never remember that moment and then you will have the opportunity to share with them something special. The small things in life are the things that tend to get over looked but are the reason we remember so much!

(Does that make sense?)


I look at photography as your eyes window to the past. Imagine if you did not have those old photographs of lost loved ones or those loved ones we hear stories about but never got to meet? We wouldn’t know what they looked like, their style of clothing, who they resemble or be able to share with the next generation the family tree.


When you hire me I will capture your life moments as they are so that one day your loved ones can look back and remember how fantastic you were and all those small details that may get over looked!


….I love photos, because the best thing about it is that it never changes even when the person in it does. -Unknown


……If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment. -Unknown




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